Ballet Star Leia to train at The Royal Ballet School

Ballet is a fiercely competitive discipline that few succeed at, yet 11year old Leia’s remarkable talent has won her a place at London’s The Royal Ballet School’s Associates programme.
The Realising Dreams Foundation is honoured to support her costs giving Leia the springboard she needs to pursue a professional career in ballet.

Leia has a natural talent and passion for ballet that has seen her gain distinction in all her exams. She has also been part of the English Youth Ballet and London Children’s ballet touring company where she performed in special needs school and elderly care homes. Giving back is vital and something we always look for in our candidates.

Despite reaching final stages of several auditions Leia has not attended a full time ballet school but she has never given up. She has continued to train hard and remained determined in her goals. Earlier this year, she got her big break when she was asked to be part of the prestigious Royal Ballet School Associates program.

Her ballet coach Michael Stojko believes Leia has what it takes to make it on an international stage.

Realising Dreams Foundation Ron Burges added: “ Leia is proof that you should never give up on your dreams. She has loved and excelled at ballet but until recently hasn’t had that recognised. Now as part of the Royal Ballet Schools Associates program, she can have the exposure she needs to be seen.
“We are honoured to support the costs of this placement and hope it might help reduce other pressures so she can take opportunities to shine. We wish her the very best of luck in Paris in November.”

Leia has also expressed her gratitude saying “ Thank you so much for this opportunity, this has been my dream for sometime now and I am determined to succeed, with my goal of becoming a professional ballet dancer. My hope is to inspire and give back to future generations.”

Leia is a talented ballerina destined for great things. Our foundation is supporting her place at The Royal Ballet School