Adding Spirit to Lottie’s dream

12year old Lottie Sicilia is the latest young person to receive support from The Realising Dreams Foundation to extend her training with Spirit Young Performers Company.

Lottie applied to us after hearing about Violet Tucker’s award. And while our foundation is keen to spread its reach to a wide range of talents, it was hard to deny the talent, drive and ambition of Lottie.

Lottie has successfully won roles in West End shows (Matilda and Mary Poppins), live events and even performed on This Morning. This ambitious young girl has been using her own earnings to cover 3 hours of training at the weekends with the Spirit Young Performers Company in London. But her family has struggled to find funding to extend her training to a full day despite approaching a number of other organisations for support.

Sophie Boyce, Director at Spirit Young Performers said: “Lottie has proven herself in the West End but this previous success has not reduced her drive or work ethic. The additional dance, drama and singing training that Lottie can now access is vital to increasing her chances of securing new roles.

“Lottie will also benefit from a masterclass session each week where she can learn from a guest industry professional receiving invaluable advice and critique.”

Lottie is delighted that The Realising Dreams Foundation has agreed to fund the additional half-day of classes and training.

She said: “I am so excited and very grateful to The Realising Dreams Foundation. I just needed someone else to believe in me, see my talent and give me the chance to see how far I can go. I promise that I will make the most of this opportunity.”

Lottie has recently been sharing her expertise with younger children after she was asked to run a question and answer sessions with fans from her time in Matilda. She also taught them a song from the musical.

This Thursday (7th May), Lottie will join other members from Spirit Young Performers Company for a special performance at the Royal Albert Hall. It seems another star is rising!

Lottie will now extend her training at Spirit Young Performers Company with our help.

Lottie will now extend her training at Spirit Young Performers Company with our help.