Azeem secures place at England national training camps

Azeem Amir hopes to realise his dreams of playing blind football for England. We're supporting him by covering travel costs to his training sessions.

Azeem Amir hopes to realise his dreams of playing blind football for England. We’re supporting him by covering travel costs to his training sessions.

Congratulations to Azeem Amir whose footballing talent at a recent selection day has now earned him a place on the FA’s national training programme.
This means Azeem’s will attend four additional residential training camps which takes players from the regional talent centres and prepares them for a potential move into the England Development Squads for blind football.
It is Azeem’s drive and natural talent which has secured him this place and we are glad to be able to help out by covering the travel costs to and from all his training sessions.
The first of these four camps takes place at The Royal National College in Hereford next month, with further camps in February, April and May 2017.
Well done Azeem and good luck from all of us! We are sure we’ll see you realise your dreams very soon.