Celebrating 4 years Realising Dreams

Happy 4th Birthday to the Realising Dreams Foundation.  In just four short years, we’re honoured to have worked alongside our generous donors, supporters and most importantly our varied but always inspiring talent.  We could not have done it without you!

The Realising Dreams Foundation began in 2015 on the principle of giving back – to help individual young people aged 5-21 with an established talent, who cannot realise their dreams due to financial limitations including a lack of funding from other organisations.  Unlike many other charities, we support the individual – not groups – following your journey, celebrating your achievements and proving to future generations that talent, drive and ambition knows no barriers. Through our awards we hope to inspire new generations of people who are unafraid to dream big and aim high.

So far we’ve reached a great variety of talents. In the majority of our current or previous recipients, awards have been for professional tuition, training courses, purchase of equipment or major competitive events. All awards are paid to an official third party to ensure it is used as intended. We keep an open mind as to the range of talents we could support or the ways in which we can make a difference.

Celebrating four years of realising dreams

Talents already supported:

  • Sports– badminton, football, cycling, angling and motocross. We have also sponsored athletes in disability sports, including deaf swimming, blind football and disability
  • Performing Arts – ballet, theatre, opera, contemporary danceand professional performing arts schools
  • Music –gifted musicians studying at prestigious music schools
  • Tanzania – Our abroad project offering educational sponsorships across two partner schools in Arusha – Goodwill and Sotwa
  • Other– graphic design, volunteering, teaching….what could be next?

It is a privilege to play a small part in the journey of so many talented young people. We’ve supported national and international athletes, stars of west end theatre, contemporary and classical dancers, singers and musicians and provided educational sponsorships in Tanzania… all in just four years.  And it has been humbling to watch many of these young people join our family and take up the opportunity to become ambassadors for our foundation – helping us fundraise, spread the word and reach a new generation of talented applicants. We’re excited to see what the next chapter will bring.

If you think we could help your dreams take flight and are interested in finding out more about us, our eligibility criteria or how to apply – go to our websitewww.realisingdreams.co.ukYou can also follow and message us on Facebook and Instragram.