Charlotte revves her way to motorcross championships

15 year old Charlotte Hall from south of England is the latest recipient of funding from The Realising Dreams Foundation. Charlotte’s dream is to compete in European and world motorcross championships. Our foundation has agreed to help by awarding her £2,500 to cover he race training for the next year.

In just 5years, Charlotte has gone from riding a 65cc motorbike aged just 10 to now riding a 250cc bike and achieving 4th in the 2016 British Girls Nationals.

Her extraordinary talent, combined with her determination to succeed has seen her rise through the ranks of the motorcross world very quickly. Now she has a place in a race team and her eye firmly on competing this year in the Acrebis Nationals. There are 8 different rounds held at different locations around the UK with one round in Ireland.

Charlotte explained:”Motorcross is my chosen sport, but not many people think of it as a sport so it can be really hard to find sponsors. I really need help with costs for specialist race training, travel to events and bike maintenance.

“This award of £2500 to cover my race training will make a real difference helping me to get to the next level of motorcross.“

Charlotte Hall flying high in the world of motocross

Charlotte Hall flying high in the world of motocross

Charlotte began her racing with the Ringwood Motorcross Club. Sarah Lycett from the club added:”Charlotte has exceptional talent. It’s a very tough sport, but even tougher for a girl racing among all the boys.

She has done remarkably well and races with guts and determination that I’m certain will take her a long way.’’