Flautist Flourishes at Junior Guildhall School

Kate is a gifted flautist about to begin studies at The Guildhall School of Music and Drama, where The Realising Dreams Foundation will help to sponsor her musical education.

Although only 13, Kate is performing at First Diploma level on the flute, with an impressive number of accolades under her belt. Playing her first solo performance at six, Kate has gone on to perform for live audiences in a variety of orchestras, bands and concerts. She has been a member of the National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain for five years, and participates in six extra-curricular music activities at her school.

Kate displays the talent, dedication and drive that The Realising Dreams Foundation seeks to nurture in our applicants. She will begin her professional studies at Guildhall School later this month. There’s no doubt the expert tuition she will receive will hone her skills, challenge her, and put her firmly on the professional orchestral pathway. Kate’s mum, Estelle, says: “We are so grateful for the support of the Realising Dreams Foundation. Without it, Kate would be unable to take up her place at the Guildhall School.”

Kate will begin working towards a professional pathway at Guildhall

We look forward to watching and listening to Kate’s achievements in the coming year.