Foundation Supports Max’s Savings Plan for Theatre School

Max Reader (12) from Essex will realise his dream of attending The Sylvia Young Theatre School from this September with a little help from The Realising Dreams Foundation.

The charitable foundation has recently awarded funds to other performing arts students – Violet, Lottie and Jack – who are all now building on their talent for musical theatre at specialist schools.

Max has been acting since he was eight, and grown into a stage star who has held roles as Eric in Matilda and is currently appearing as Gavroche in Les Miserables in London’s West End.

Max’s biggest dream was to study at stage school – something which took a step closer for him this year after he was offered a place at the prestigious Sylvia Young Theatre School. He had been saving his earnings for just this moment. However, even a small scholarship, all his own savings and help from his family, Max found himself unable to meet the total cost needed. That’s when he turned to The Realising Dreams Foundation for help.

His application and references demonstrated his natural talent, strong work ethic and kind approach to everyone he works with.

Joseph Pitcher, Resident Director at Matilda The Musical said: “Max is a delightful child – driven, hardworking, attentive and determined to succeed. This attitude is matched by his ability. He is a naturally talented actor with an instinct for comedy as well as being a strong dancer and singer.”

Max is currently playing the role of Gavroche in Les Miserables in London’s West End.

Max expressed his joy at receiving help to attend Sylvia Young. He added: “This has been my dream and my passion for as long as I can remember. I will grab this opportunity and learn as much as I can. Thank-you!”

RDF trustees were also impressed by Max’s work ethic and willingness to use his earnings to cover costs. Foundation chairman, Ron Burges said: “Now that the numbers of applications to us are rising, we need to be more rigorous in determining the best people to support. That is an extremely challenging task but one that is not simply about talent or funding difficulties.

“We want to see how hard people are willing to work for their dream. Success is not handed to anyone on a plate – you need to work for it, save for it and remain committed to your goal. That’s something we could see in Max and we are happy to be playing a part in helping him study at The Sylvia Young Theatre School.”

The Realising Dreams Foundation aims to reach a mix of different talents from across the UK. Already we have supported a number of performing arts students as well as applicants from swimming, football, motorcross, dance and teaching.

In the coming months, we are keen to encourage new applications from fields of talent we haven’t yet supported. So if you’ve got real talent but genuinely struggle to fund your next step, get in touch. We might be able to help realise your dreams.