Kensey shares teaching experience in Kenya

A primary school student teacher from Winchester University has become the latest young person to receive funds from The Realising Dreams Foundation to support a trip to help disadvantaged kids in Kenya.
Kensey Lycett (19) from Dorset has pursued her ambition to be a teacher and has recently completed her first year in primary school teaching at university.
And while she is well on her way to achieving her dream, she was eager to go beyond the UK to gain further experience this summer by teaching disadvantaged young people abroad.
Kensey had signed up through Younique Travel for a two week trip to Kenya where she will be working in two schools helping to improve and rebuild run-down facilities as well as teaching the children. She had been fundraising across the year, but had struggled to meet the total cost of the trip.
Kensey’s showed her commitment to a career in teaching, her desire to use that talent to make a difference to the lives of others and her efforts to successfully fundraise to cover the majority of the costs herself. The Realising Dreams Foundation was impressed and agreed an award of £650.
Kensey explains; ”On my trip I will be working with two schools mainly for children who have been orphaned or who don’t have the funds to pay for school.
“It will be an amazing opportunity to help change the lives of the children at the two schools and hopefully make a difference to the children’s education as well as improving the school itself.
“But it will also be an invaluable learning experience for myself as it has always been my dream to be a teacher. After hearing about the trip at university I knew I couldn’t miss the opportunity to make a difference to those who are most in need.
“I am very grateful to The Realising Dreams Foundation for helping to make this once in a lifetime opportunity a reality.”
We’ll look forward to hearing all about her trip when she gets back in July.

Teaching student to work in Kenya

Teaching student to work in Kenya