New bike kickstarts fresh ambitions for Charlotte

Building on her incredible motorcross successes in 2017, Charlotte is kickstarting her ambitions for this year on a new bike…with a little help from The Realising Dreams Foundation.
Last year, Charlotte, at only 16 years old, finished 5th in the British women’s (BWMA) and 4th in the acerbic nationals as well as making her making her debut representing Great Britain in the home leg of the IMBAs. 2018 brings new challenges as she competes in 5 rounds of the IMBAs across Europe, 8 rounds of the British Women’s championship and the acerbic nationals once again.
She has exceeded expectations and remains determined to push the boundaries of her motorcross dreams. To do that, Charlotte needed a reliable new bike – something that was financially out of reach for her without help. She had approached various potential donors and sponsors without success until The Realising Dreams Foundation agreed to help make that dream come true.
Charlotte added: “I am so grateful to The Realising Dreams Foundation for all their support. My race training last year really did make a difference but I knew that to give me the best chance this year, I was going to need a new bike.
“I really cannot thank them enough for stepping in and once again helping me to realise my dreams. I picked the new bike up last week and took it out straight away. With continued hard work and training, this bike could give me an edge in the upcoming competitions.”
Charlotte regularly keeps us up to date with her progress and we are excited to see what she can achieve this year on her new bike.

Charlotte picks up new bike for 2018 with help from RDF