New Charity Hopes to Help Children and Young People Realise their Dreams

BiP Solutions Pic: Peter Devlin

CHILDREN and Young People from home and abroad could soon be helped to realise their dreams thanks to the creation of a new charity – The Realising Dreams Foundation

The Foundation is the brainchild of Glasgow based businessman Ron Burges. In his role as CEO of BIP Solutions Ltd, he was keen that his company and his employees took opportunities to fundraise and give back to worthy causes.

Now he wants to extend that with the creation of this new charitable foundation. His aim is that the charity will grow to support individual children and young people with talent who haven’t been able to realise their dreams because of a lack of funding or support from other charities.
BIP Solutions Ltd who have supported a variety of charities both at home and abroad have confirmed their fundraising efforts will now be donated to the Realising Dreams Foundation. The charity has also already received other donations from the Government Opportunities (GO) Awards Scotland event as well as from the HCSA Gala Awards dinner in 2014.

Ron Burges believes this is the start of an exciting new opportunity to help children and young people watch their dreams become a reality.
He said: ”Too often children grow up failing to achieve their full potential due to basic needs which could be reasonably easily addressed if given a little support whether financial, material or emotional. It could be as fundamental as access to education, training, equipment or simply essentials, such as clothing, food and water.

“The Realising Dreams Foundation is here to help remove barriers for children and young people so they can achieve their full potential, expand their horizons and exceed their own ambitions.
“One child growing up in a poor community given the chance to achieve their abilities can become the adult of tomorrow who changes the world for their family and community. We cannot make this happen for every child but where we can, we will.”

The more donations the Realising Dreams Foundation receives the greater their ability to help. And while it is still just evolving, everyone can help play their part in developing the children and youth of today into the valued citizens of tomorrow through their donations, fundraising or direct engagement in support of the charity’s work.
Our aim is to ensure over 90% of every donation is used directly to enrich the lives of the children and young people the Foundation supports around the world.

To help our fundraising activities, sponsor, donate, or apply for support please go to