Our school bus in Tanzania has had its make-over with a vibrant new coat of yellow paint and the addition of Realising Dreams Foundation stickers.

Earlier this year, our foundation awarded £2500 to enable the purchase of a minibus which is used to support two charitable organisations near Arusha, Tanzania.

One is the Highland School, a small primary school set up by local man Moses. The other is a project called Heshima ( which runs a textile training centre for local Maasai women as well as a nursery school for around 25 children.

The new minibus is used daily to provide transport for the children at both Heshima and Highland School. Children are now collected and returned home punctually every day – something appreciated by the children, the teachers, and especially the parents!

The minibus also enables the Manager of the textile project to make regular trips to Arusha to purchase material, and visit tourist hotels where the textile products are sold. The driver, Zac, is employed by Heshima, who has responsibility for maintaining the bus.

Who knew what a difference one minibus could make to the lives of so many young people and their families.

Moses Mojengo, Headteacher from The Highland School in Kisongo said: “The minibus has made a tremendous difference to the children at both Highland School and Heshima, providing reliable transport and new educational opportunities, as well as supporting the Heshima textile project.

“We have used the minibus so teachers could take the children out on school visits – something that was not possible previously. In October, for instance, both sets of children were taken to visit the local snake park. Although it was only 5 miles away, none of the children had ever been there before.

“We are very grateful and send huge thanks to The Realising Dreams Foundation.”

Heshima nursery children with the driver, Zac, on the left and the two teachers, Mwanvita and Constantine  on the right.

Heshima nursery children with the driver, Zac, on the left and the two teachers, Mwanvita and Constantine on the right.

Zac the driver of the new school minibus shows off the Realising Dreams stickers

Zac the driver of the new school minibus shows off the Realising Dreams stickers

Highland School pupils on their first school trip to a local snake park - thanks for the new school minibus.

Highland School pupils on their first school trip to a local snake park – thanks for the new school minibus.

Pupils from the Highland School in Tanzania had their first school trip on their  minibus. The local snake park is only 5 miles from school but none of the pupils had been there before.

Pupils from the Highland School in Tanzania had their first school trip on their minibus. The local snake park is only 5 miles from school but none of the pupils had been there before.