New Minibus Provides Lifeline to Highland School and Textile Project

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The Realising Dreams Foundation has stepped in with a one off payment of £2500 to enable the purchase of a dedicated minibus that will serve as a reliable means of transport for the women and children who attend The Heshima Project and then provide school transport for pupils from the nearby Highland School in Kisongo, Tanzania.

While working with the The Charity English Medium School, trustees from The Realising Dreams Foundation heard about a community venture called The Heshima Project which provides a base for Maasai women to learn textile skills and create beautiful items like shopping bags, clothing and even Christmas stockings that are then sold locally and online. Their young children together with a number from the nearby village, attend a pre-school where they are taught largely in English by qualified Tanzanian teachers.

Close by is The Highland School, that strives to teach a better standard of primary education including English to children.  It has proved popular but has recently suffered falling rolls because of consistent difficulties with school transport.

Local transport in the rural area of Tanzania can be a real barrier for children getting to and from school as well as making it difficult for adults to access regular work or attend any available courses to improve their skills.

Chair of The Realising Dreams Foundation, Ron Burges explained: “We are happy to offer this grant of £2,500 to complete the funding gap for the purchase of this minibus.  We have heard about the good work of the Heshima Project and their pre-school and also became aware of the very urgent school transport problems being experienced by nearby The Highland School.

“We were struck by the opportunity to offer a single grant which could be used to offer a solution in both situations.

‘’The Heshima Project & The Highland School will now share the benefits of a dedicated minibus removing the uncertainty for the women, their very young children as well as a reliable school transport service for pupils eager to attend The Highland School.  We are confident that this simple solution will make a real difference to these women and children.”

The Heshima Project, who had already raised funds towards the minibus purchase, will retain ownership and provide a driver.  The bus service will run on a daily bases for both Heshima children and those attending The Highland School.”

Steve Ngugi from The Heshima Project added: “We are grateful to The Realising Dreams Foundation for providing the £2500 shortfall for the purchase of our minibus.”

Moses Mojengo, Headteacher at The Highland School in Kisongo concluded: “We were facing a very serious problem because we couldn’t rely on the local dala-dala (minibus) transport.

Our school roll had started to drop simply because of this and the children weren’t getting chance to learn with us.  We can hardly believe how fortunate we have been to be able to join up with The Heshima Project and share the benefits of a minibus…all thanks to The Realising Dreams Foundation.  The children will love being able to get to us each day on this new minibus!”

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For more information about The Heshima Project go to or follow them on Facebook: Heshima Tanzania