RDF finds talented young people motivated beyond their own desires

On behalf of all the trustees, we want to say a heartfelt thank you. Thank you to our donors and sponsors without whom it would be impossible to make a difference in such a remarkable way to such an inspiring group of young people.
Take a look at this special video showing what we have achieved so far helping to

Realising Dreams since 2015

But it’s an extra special thank you to all of our recipients.  It was our hope that we could find exceptionally talented youngsters with talent, drive and the ambition to make a difference to their lives and the lives of others. We didn’t know what to expect as we began this journey but we have been nothing other than blown away by standard of the applications we have achieved from a variety of talent bases.
We are humbled to find so many talented young people motivated beyond their own desires and driven to achieve great things. There is nothing ordinary about any of our applicants. And we must also pay tribute to the extraordinary families who have made sacrifices and never accepted defeat in helping their children achieve their dreams. It has been touching that so many of you have already taken opportunities to fundraise for us. Giving back is so vital and the very reason we began our foundation.
We are grateful to each and everyone who we now consider part of The Realising Dreams Foundation family. Together we are able to make an even greater difference than we could alone.
With much thanks and best wishes,
The Realising Dreams Foundation team