Realising Dreams Foundation Sets Sail


THE REALISING Dreams Foundation has set sail with its first award of £5,000 to fund eight young people through the next level of their sailing training enabling them to become volunteers teaching others how to sail through the able2sail charity. The grant award to able2sail will cover the cost of completing both vocational training and RYA Sailability Certificates.

The cheque handover was made on 21 May when members from the BIP Solutions Charity team visited able2sail.  As prime fundraisers for The Realising Dreams Foundation, the charity team were delighted to be able to hand over the cheque personally and get the chance to experience an afternoon of sailing on one of the boats used by the charity.

The Realising Dreams Foundation Chair, Ron Burges said: ‘’Able2Sail gives sailing experiences to able-bodied and disabled people making it a very worthy cause which resonates well with the aims of the Realising Dreams Foundation. We want our foundation to support young people in their dreams and see them also give back by going on to help others.  This will certainly be the case with our first group of recipients.”

Alexis Colquhoun from the BIP Solutions charity team said:”We are all delighted to be able to see first hand where our fundraising will go. With our efforts, eight young people can now get sailing qualifications and even have the chance to go on to pursue a career in sailing.”

Able2 Sail Gordon Dixon: ”These eight young being are being given support to achieve accredited sailing qualifications.

“But the qualifications also challenge these young people to develop their skills in teamwork, reliance on others, self-confidence, as well as providing an opportunity for them to be independent of their normal, often emotionally and socially challenging, environments.”

The eight individuals to receive our support are:

• Jamie Kearns
• Barry Gillen
• Danielle Martin
• Shannon McGhee
• Katie Walker
• Darren MacGregor
• Bethany MacGregor
• Frank McCuaig

 At the end of their training the young people will have a final challenge to sail the yacht over several days and nights around the west coast of Scotland along with an RYA examiner and Youth Forum Leaders.  For many this will be their first opportunity to be independent of their parents and/or carers, while the adventurous environment will test their skills, capabilities and teamwork.

 If you know someone who wants to make a difference; someone with a real talent, a drive and a dream, then the Realising Dreams Foundation might just be able to help!