Sailing on to the Special Olympics

Three young people who were supported by The Realising Dreams Foundation will next year have the honour of taking part in The Special Olympics.
Jamie Kearns (18) and Shannon McGhee (19) both from Glasgow will be competing in the Sailing event in Sheffield in August 2017 representing Scotland West. Both these talented young people received support from The Realising Dreams Foundation in May 2015 to ensure they could continue with their sailing qualifications through the able2sail charity.
able2sail’s Gerry Campbell explained: “We are absolutely delighted that our young people have been chosen to represent Scotland West.
“They are immensely excited about their inclusion in the Games and Jamie proudly reminds me what a responsibility his selection is. His Youth Forum experience and in particular his selection for the Games has transformed him from a shy and retiring youngster to a confident and proud young man.”able2sail special olympics
Jamie and Shannon McGhee have been with able2sail Youth Forum for the past four years. They both come from Clydebank. Jamie attends Kilpatrick School and Shannon is now at college in Clydebank. Another youth forum member Darren MacGregor (17) from Glasgow has been selected as a buddy for Jamie. Laura Carrick (youth coordinator for able2sail) will buddy Shannon.
All three of the young people were on the West Coast Trip last year and took a full part in RYA Dinghy and Powerboating courses that The Realising Dreams sponsored.
Everyone involved in the Special Olympics will continue to take part in extensive dinghy sailing training over the coming year.
Realising Dreams Foundation Chairman, Ron Burges added: “This is an incredible opportunity for these young people. They have a talent for sailing and have continued to show a determination to reach the next level with their sailing skills. We are delighted to have played a small part in their journey towards realising their sailing dreams at next year’s Special Olympics.”