Sara Hits the High Notes

The Realising Dreams Foundation has approved its latest award for classical soprano singer Sara.

Sara (18) from Bedfordshire, is currently training at the prestigious Royal Welsh College of Music in Cardiff. Many performers audition multiple times in the hope of securing a place, but Sara’s talent won her an unconditional place on her first audition.

Incredibly Sara has only had classical signing training for the last two years – giving her a big challenge to catch up with other students who have completed many years of training in singing and musical theory.

Sara impressed our trustees demonstrating not just a natural talent, but a dogged determination that has seen her overcome many personal challenges in pursuit of her dream to be a classical opera singer. Sara has held down multiple jobs since she was 16 to fund her training while using her singing talents to also raise money for charities close to her heart.

Sara has approached other charities for help and is grateful to now have the support of The Realising Dreams Foundation. She said: “I’d like to thank everybody at Realising Dreams for believing in me and helping me to reach my full potential. Singing is so important to me and I know the extra help will make all the difference.”

Sara hits the high notes

Sara’s recent achievements include:

  • being a soloist in Vivaldi’s Gloria (alongside BBC’s Young Musician of the Year
  • cantored at Westminster Cathedral
  • singing with the BBC National Chorus of Wales performing at various events including the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra and the upcoming BBC Proms in May

Her former singing teacher, Samantha Lavender said: “I love the purity in Sara’s voice and the sheer pleasure she obviously feels when she sings. You can’t teach that inner love for music, it comes from inside and is the driving force which I know will help her to succeed. I’m immensely proud of all that Sara has achieved so far. It’s students like her that make me strive to get the best out of every student I meet.”

Sara stands out as an exceptional vocal talent with the potential and ambition to succeed. In equal measure we saw an inspiring young lady who clearly has a desire to use her talents to make a difference not only to her own life but also the lives of others.

We believe in Sara and her dreams and are excited to support her over the coming few years.