Training well underway to realise sailing dreams at the Special Olympics

With only six months left until The Special Olympics in Sheffield training is well underway for our three sailors from Glasgow who will be representing Scotland West.

The Realising Dreams Foundation has worked with the able2Sail charity for the last couple of years supporting young people through sailing qualifications.

When we heard the news that three young people had been chosen for the Special Olympics we were delighted to also sponsor their training kit.

Jamie and Shannon, both from Clydebank, will be accompanied by another youth forum member Darren for their incredible experience sailing for their country in August this year.

Ron Burges, chairman of  The Realising Dreams Foundation said:”We know that Jamie, Shannon and Darren will be putting in a lot of extra effort as they continue their training over the next few months.

“Their sailing skills and determination have already paid off by being chosen. We wish them the very best of luck and will follow their progress closely in the Special Olympics.”

from the left is Jamie(sailor), Shannon (sailor), Laura (Youth Forum Co-ordinator) , Darren (sailor)

from the left is Jamie(sailor), Shannon (sailor), Laura (Youth Forum Co-ordinator) , Darren (sailor)